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Bateria - Musicians getting ready
for your Capoeira journey

When you learn Capoeira you are not only learning to move and think like a martial artist, you are also learning aspects of Brazilian culture, including its musical traditions and the Portuguese language, which is used to name the movements and techniques, and is the language in which the songs of Capoeira are sung. It can also be used as a medium of instruction. On this page you will find resources that will help you to learn and understand the music and the language of Capoeira.

For Aruandeiros

Music is of vital importance to the practice of Capoeira. Without it there is no energy & no roda. To begin training capoeira you may just study the movements of capoeira, but as you progress through the levels of training you will learn to play the instruments and to sing the songs of Capoeira.


The orchestra (Bateria) of capoeira is defined differently by each capoeira group. Traditionally in Capoeira Regional,  one berimbau and two pandeiros were used, and Capoeira Angola still uses all the musical instruments – three Berimbaus, an Atabaque, two Pandeiros, an Agogo and Reco-reco to make up the Bateria of Capoeira Angola.


For a complete roda Capoeira Aruanda uses three Berimbaus, an Atabaque, two Pandeiros, and the use of Agogo is optional.


The berimbau is the primary instrument in Capoeira. Its leads the other instruments and dictates the rhythm and pace of the roda.


The origins of the berimbau are not clear, though there is little doubt that it has African origins as there are no Indigenous Brazilian or European instruments like it; and similar instruments can be found in southern parts of Africa.


Useful Links


Portuguese for Capoeiristas

wordle of capoeira words
Capoeira Aruanda logo in black

Mestre Borracha is the master of our Capoeira Aruanda school. He was born in Acre, Brazil. From a young age he has dedicated his life to Capoeira. In 1992 Borracha became widely recognised when he was the first Capoeirista to perform a double back somersault without the aid of a sprung floor or gym mats. In 1997 Borracha left his homeland, bound for Sydney Australia. as a teacher with Grupo Capoeira Brasil. In 2005, Borracha & his associates established a new Capoeira group Capoeiracre, named after the Brazilian state in which he was born and raised. In 2007 he changed the name of the group to Capoeira Aruanda, and in 2015 Borracha was awarded his Master's belt by Grande Mestre Boa Gente. 

© 2024 Capoeira Aruanda

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Aruanda logo in white within a blue circle


You can start training Capoeira at any time. Feel free to come and watch a class or join in on your first day. All students begin class together (warm-up and basics) and afterwards are separated into beginner or intermediate level for training Capoeira movements. To request a FREE CLASS PASS, to experience a complimentary lesson on us, start by selecting the location you wish to redeem your pass at, and then complete a simple request form. (ONE TIME OFFER ONLY).

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